What HW/SW do people have working?

hollunder at gmx.at hollunder at gmx.at
Tue Jan 27 09:39:38 GMT 2009

On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:48:49 -0700
Gustin Johnson <gustin at echostar.ca> wrote:

> I like the RME PCI/PCIe stuff because it sounds great and is well
> supported under Linux (ie. I do not have to do anything to get it to
> work, it simply works).  It is a shame that their firewire stuff does
> not work, but RME is to blame for that.

Afaik there are firewire drivers for RME, just not in yet. I think you
can find some more information on the RME forums.
Not sure if the guy who writes them is related to RME but he sure is a
big fan.


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