What HW/SW do people have working?

Larry David larrydavid07 at comcast.net
Mon Jan 26 03:30:47 GMT 2009

Ok, well that's not so bad.  I actually like CLI for certain things,  
and know some Unix.  It seems like the hard part is not downloading/ 
installing stuff, but figuring out what to install and what not to,  
with what options, parameters, etc.  And it seems that most modern  
audio/MIDI hardware is not supported - like my MOTU 828 mkII (which  
is several years old and now outdated by the new mkIII).  Then people  
talk about how many minutes they can run Ardour without any crashes  
or problems and I'm thinking this is still the bleeding edge.  I deal  
with bugs and glitches sometimes with Digital Performer on my Macs,  
but in general it just works.

Are you using a Linux machine regularly to do audio/MIDI and finding  
it solid and useable, or is this still mostly an experiment to see  
what you can get running and for how long?

Many thanks for the shared wisdom... (and anyone else with experience  
to share please chime in)

On Jan 25, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Scott wrote:

> There was definitely no programming skill involved.  All I did was  
> install some
> packages from the repo.  If you started with a blank mac or windows  
> machine you'd go
> through similar steps to get it up and running.  My command line  
> stuff can all be done
> in the GUI if cli isn't your bag.
> It's definitely worth doing in Linux for the RT kernel  
> capabilities.  Anyway, the
> entire process took about 10 minutes with a fast download connection.
> -Scott
> Larry David wrote:
>> Thanks Scott.  I've gotten the impression that using audio/MIDI
>> hardware on a Linux machine is sort of the opposite of plug-and-play;
>> and if your experience is typical, then that is an understatement.
>> So is this kind of sleuthing and experimenting typical to get a Linux
>> machine to do music?  I'm not a programmer and don't have time to
>> figure all this stuff out - I like the FOSS philosophy, and really
>> hope Linux keeps growing - but it sounds like it may be a bit early
>> for the humble user to try doing music with it.  Am I wrong?
>> Thanks again,
>> ld
>> On Jan 25, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Scott wrote:
>>> Larry David wrote:
>>>> Hi - I'm a Mac user and musician.  I'm thinking of switching to  
>>>> Linux
>>>> with my next laptop, and am wondering what people are using for
>>>> audio/
>>>> MIDI interfaces, and what software - DAW, plugins, softsynths,  
>>>> etc.?
>>> I have a little Dell XPS 1210 which I recently got working for my
>>> modest little music
>>> studio.  All the details were in this post to the FFADO list:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=496C1F6E.
>>> 9080701%40troutpocket.org&forum_name=ffado-user
>>> Here it is in all its posterity:
>>> Well, I got it all working.  I wanted to share my progress with
>>> everyone by editing
>>> the wiki but I don't have access to that.  Here's what I did (in a
>>> nutshell):
>>> My Kit:
>>>     Dell XPS M1210 laptop
>>> 	1GB RAM
>>> 	Intel T5600 1.8GHz Core2Duo
>>> 	Intel 945GM Video controller
>>> 	Sigmatel 9220 internal audio controller
>>> 	Internal Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 IEEE 1394 Controller
>>> 	http://tinyurl.com/clr43l
>>>     EchoAudio Audiofire12
>>> 	http://www.echoaudio.com/Products/FireWire/AudioFire12/index.php
>>>     Ubuntu Studio 8.10 with RT (realtime) kernel
>>> Steps:
>>>     1. Install UbuntuStudio 8.10.
>>>     2. Install all updates via update manager
>>>     3. Install RT kernel
>>> 	~$ sudo apt-get install linux-rt
>>>     4. Install ffado drivers and accompanying libraries
>>> 	In Synaptic Package Manager choose Settings/Repositories.  In the
>>> Software
>>> 	Sources window choose the Third-Party Software tab.  Add the
>>> following:
>>> 		deb http://www.ffado.org/apt gutsy contrib
>>> 	Reload your package manager and install the following:
>>> 		ffado-dbus-server
>>> 		ffado-mixer-qt4
>>> 		ffado-tools
>>> 		jackd-firewire-driver
>>> 		libffado2
>>> 		libffado2-dev (just in case)
>>>     5. Configure grub to boot RT kernel by default
>>> 	~$ sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst
>>> 	edit the line:
>>> 		default	0
>>> 	to say
>>> 		default 4
>>> 	or whatever number (counting from 0) is your rt entry in the
>>> file.  If you
>>> 	don't do this you have to manually choose it at boot every time.
>>>     6. Add yourself to the disk and audio groups.  If the audio
>>> group doesn't already
>>>        exist you can create it with the optional first command.
>>> 	~$ sudo groupadd audio (optional step if audio group doesn't exist)
>>> 	~$ sudo adduser <username> disk
>>> 	~$ sudo adduser <username> audio
>>>     7. Adjust limits.conf to accommodate your RT kernel.
>>> 	~$ sudo su -c 'echo @audio - rtprio 99 >> /etc/security/ 
>>> limits.conf'
>>> 	~$ sudo su -c 'echo @audio - nice -19 >> /etc/security/limits.conf'
>>> 	~$ sudo su -c 'echo @audio - memlock unlimited >> /etc/security/
>>> limits.conf'
>>>     8. Reboot to your RT kernel!
>>> After you system is up and running you'll have to start jackd.  I
>>> recommend using
>>> qjackctl to do this as it has a patchbay manager.  Make sure
>>> everything is plugged in
>>> and running then start qjackctl (found in Sound & Video/Audio
>>> Production/JACK Control)
>>>     9. You must install the raw1394 kernel module. Unfortunately my
>>> ability to get this
>>>        to stick hasn't worked.  No problem, just run the following
>>> short command after
>>>        each boot:
>>> 	~$ sudo modprobe raw1394
>>>     10. Here are the changes I made to the default jackd config by
>>> clicking Setup:
>>> 	Driver = firewire
>>> 	Realtime (checked)
>>> 	Priority = 70
>>> 	Frames/Period = 64
>>> 	Sample Rate = 48000
>>> 	Periods/Buffer = 3
>>> 	Port Maximum = 128
>>> 	Interface = hw:0
>>> 	Start Delay = 2
>>>     11. Click the Patchbay button.  Click the New button and let it
>>> discover your
>>>         port configurations itself.  Mine showed System with 12
>>> capture ports listed
>>>         under Output and it showed System with 12 playback ports
>>> under Input.  Select
>>>         System in both windows and choose Connect.  You may have to
>>> click the Activate
>>>         though I don't really know exactly what that does.
>>> Click the start button and pray for no xruns.  Following these
>>> exact steps I've been
>>> able to successfully record in Ardour for 30ish minutes without
>>> xruns or program
>>> errors.  It may go longer but I haven't bothered trying yet.
>>> The big hurdle I encountered was outdated information on many
>>> websites.  First of all,
>>> the Ricoh 1394 controller does not work with 8.04.1 RT kernel.  It
>>> is working
>>> wonderfully with my 8.10 RT kernel.  I hope someone can update the
>>> page at:
>>> 	http://subversion.ffado.org/wiki/HostControllers
>>> to show that success has been had with the Ricoh R5C832 1394
>>> controller and perhaps
>>> reference this guide.
>>> Guides from which I shamelessly ripped off information:
>>>     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation
>>>     http://www.ffado.org/?q=release/apt
>>> -Scott
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