The future of backporting

laurent.bellegarde laurent.bellegarde at
Fri Jan 9 06:16:44 GMT 2009

Khashayar Naderehvandi a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I have joined the Studio -dev team in the hope that I will eventually
> become a dedicated backporter of core Ubuntu Studio applications. If
> all goes well, I will make sure that the latest upstream releases of
> these applications are packaged for the current development branch of
> Ubuntu, and that some of them are backported to the released and
> supported branches (namely hardy and intrepid at the moment).
> On our next meeting, one of the topics will be precisely this: Which
> applications are most important to have backported.
> With this email, I would like to ask the community for your input.
> Which packages matter? Which packages would you like to see
> backported? Which packages do you *need* to see backported? Are there
> any packages that you altogether miss from the archives? Is there
> anything else you'd like to comment on related to packaging?
> Please reply as soon as you can.
> All the best,
> Khashayar

congratulations for the future work.

in project, video editing for newbies, we try to improve 
support for multimedia software...

to improved video editing,

In ubuntu 8.04, we left kdenlive 0.7, it seems to be done in 8.10
in 8.04 and 8.10, last release of kino, dvgrab.
In 8.04, we need also a newer ffmpeg release to improve avchd support, 
h264 AVC encoding for hard disk, memory card, dvd HD camrecorder
in 8.04, we need lastest release of mpalyer/mencoder
In 8.04, we need the lastest openmovie editor

in 8.04 and in 8.10, we can't install and use jashaka 2.0 (maybe 3.0 has 
release) since dapper, no one has done the backport, large left for 
video special effects under GNU/Linux

in 8.04 and in 8.10, we left to smile (old name manslide) in deb package.

Many works, if you could do only one, the most important is ffmpeg 
lastest release for avchd support.

Thanks and bye,

Laurent from France.

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