ext4 on studio?

Susan Cragin susancragin at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 18 17:44:48 GMT 2009

>>>> I just installed yesterday's daily build, and I was under the impression that ext4 was to be the default file system, or an option. Am I wrong? I got only ext3. 
>>> Odd as I installed Studio-Jaunty with ext4 here. I'll check todays
>>> daily. It should be the second option under the default ext3.
>> I tried today's daily build 18-Feb also, and did not see any option as you described. I did not see any options under default ext3. Perhaps it is just not easy to find.
>It's there. Todays disk:
>http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4891/ext4partitionfz0.png (below the
>highlighted default ext3) I tested Studio and Ubuntu. Both the same. How
>are you trying to partition? Manual, guided?
>-Cory K.
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I have never seen that screen when partitioning. I use guided partitioning.

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