Upgrading from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu Studio 8.10

aYo Binitie ayobinitie at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 14 08:57:41 GMT 2009

On 2/14/09, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> sandie wrote:
>> Henry W. Peters wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Finally got a DSL connection. Downloaded Ubuntu Studio successfully, by
>>> all indications . Can't seem to find instructions on how to "upgrade"
>>> from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu Studio 8.10... (my current non-Studio
>>> installation has some problems, which, aside from wishing to use Ubuntu
>>> Studio for a/v work, I am hoping will get resolved (?) i.e., retain my
>>> current programs & addresses, etc.)... Anyway, for some darned reason or
>>> the other my IRC is not working right, or I would go to #ubuntustudio...
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks kindly.
>>> Henry
>> You can just install "ubuntustudio-desktop" from Synaptics, this should
>> give you all the packages.
> No. You cannot. That will install the -desktop and -settings packages
> that will conflict with Ubuntu. Actually, you might not be able to do
> it. :) Been a while since I looked into it. :P
> -Cory K.
> --

Well thats what I did -  "ubuntustudio-desktop" from Synaptics, seems
fine to me, the desktop behaviour is definitely not Hardy style.


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