What would you change in the audio app list?

Larry David larrydavid07 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 3 05:40:12 GMT 2009

On Feb 2, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Hartmut Noack wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Cory K. schrieb:
>> manager, has been removed. :) "Specimen" the sampler, I *think*  
>> wasn't
>> included because the case was made for another already included app.
> Well: Specimen does not use any popular /proprietary sample-lib format
> but its own (loaded WAV-Files organized via a simple XML-file), so  
> it is
> nice and open and at the other hand quite off-mainstream. But it works
> flawlessly and very, very stable with jackd so I would strongly opt  
> for it.

Can it load popular formats, or only samples recorded in Specimen?   
"Loaded WAV files" suggests it can read any WAV file, but don't want  
to assume.

FWIW, I think a decent, versatile sampler is a real plus for any  
DAW.  If the audio app list is here:
then it looks like sooperlooper is the only sampler (and from the  
name sounds more like a loop player than a traditional sampler).


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