Good News! Found some backups!

Paul DeShaw pauldeshaw at
Sat Dec 26 21:26:46 GMT 2009


I wrote recently about data loss...In my panic, I didn't have the mental
capacity to check another drive I have. Happily, lot of that stuff had been
saved, in a few different places, in preparation for various re-installs and
upgrades.  None of it is newer than, well, whenever Hardy came out, so some
more recent recordings are gone. The drive that I erased had been used to
back up when I upgraded to Karmic, and some of the MIDI files, Rosegarden
files, and various audio files had been restored to my main system drive
before the incident.  Anything done in Ardour was on the formatted drive,
and I would still like to get those back, if possible.

I need to learn a systematic way to back up files to a drive separate from
the one I record onto.  I'm wondering what other people are doing?  And
hoping newbies will learn from this incident.

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