ubuntu studio on a netbook?

Ricardo Lameiro ricardolameiro at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 11:12:06 GMT 2009

I am not sure abaut this, but I ear somewhere that using intensively the
solidstate HD can destroy some sectors. so working in audio could damage the
SolidState HD. If you have a normal hard drive i think it is ok.
Please if I am wrong someone correct me.


2009/12/24 teza <tsaliou75 at orange.fr>

> Hi, I'm running UbunuStudio 9.1O on my Asus 1005HA netbook without any
> troubles at all, can play guitar with Raccarrack, guitarix and record
> with Ardour, I can use my usb sound card M audio Fast Track with it
> running Jack.
> regards
> Teza.
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////:://..........................
> Atom Smasher a écrit :
> > aside from a smaller screen, are there any concerns about running
> > ubuntu-studio on a netbook?
> >
> > thanks...
> >
> >
> >
> --
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Fagote / Contrafagote
Bassoon / Contra-bassoon
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