M-Audio Fast Track usb

Kiernan Holland rofthorax at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 07:53:03 BST 2009

On ebay I'm finding some ultra cheap sound cards, One called a CMI6206-N its
the one that if you search ebay for usb audio, there is tons of them
listed.. I wasn't able to find linux drivers fro this one in specific, but I
found drivers in alsa for others from the same company.. Ubuntu seems to
recognize it, but not quite..

It has a Mic in, Spdif in and out, line in, front out (stereo), rear out
(stereo), and Center + Bass Out.  It would be good to get this to work in
jack, it would mean ultra cheap input/output, but I don't know if it is full
duplex. It's a USB 2.0 card..

This one looks exactly like the one I have, even has the serial code on the

Now that everything is made in china, I have a tendency to doubt the
authenticity of of any brand, because it seems for a lot of brands, it's the
same chinese manufacturer rebranded, so I'm searching for the cheapest
hardware that does the job.. I know it's evil, but if it works.. Why not use

I'm hoping to see if I can have multiple of these connected to USB2.0 ports,
and working in parallel on jack. Just for the heck of it.. I'm not a
professional musician.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Factran <mfdhdp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Daniel !
> So you're using the Fast Track Pro ...
> Did you succeed to use the 4 output ? I manage to get a stereo output, but
> not the other stereo output.
> Did you modify something to have it working, and if yes could you tell me
> what ?
> Did you experience other problems ?
> Thanks !
> Pierre.
> 2009/8/21 Daniel Ch. <sataniel at gmail.com>
> i'm using M-Audio Fast Track Pro and works fine. You can configure
>> easy with jack control and use ardour and all the aplication that use
>> jackd without problems.
>> Regards
>> 2009/8/21 Kiernan Holland <rofthorax at gmail.com>:
>> > I'm using the M-audio MIDI SPORT UNO Midi adapter..
>> > You know there are drivers available for it from the synaptic.
>> > It works fine and shows up in Jack. Search for "midisport" in
>> > the synaptic.
>> >
>> >
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