Dropping ffmpeg, ffmpeg2theora, and kino from UbuntuStudio video task.

laurent.bellegarde laurent.bellegarde at free.fr
Tue Apr 21 10:56:09 BST 2009

Luke Yelavich a écrit :
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 07:23:45PM EST, laurent.bellegarde wrote:
>> Luke Yelavich a écrit :
>>> Hi all
>>> As a last minute fix, I've been asked to remove any packages from the UbuntuStudio disks that depends, or recommends ffmpeg/libavcodec52. This means that kino, ffmpeg, and ffmpeg2theora have to be removed from the disks.
>>> Unfortunately this only leaves 2 packages in the video task, stopmotion, and dvgram. The video task won't be removed, as its too much work, and too risky at this late stage of the release cycle, so for karmic, we will need to consider the future of the video task very carefully, having to look closely at any new app we would like to include, making sure it does not pull in libavcodec52.
>>> The reason libavcodec52 is not allowed on the disks is discussed in technical board resolution 2007-01-02. Unfortunately this is out of my hands, if you wish to discuss this further, please take it up with the technical board.
>>> Luke
>> Hi Luke,
>> I'm okay to remove theses excellents software from the disk. So to allow 
>> simple user have a complete and powerfull video editing distro, we have 
>> to create a good ubuntu studio controls to help a simple user, 
>> completing his install via Internet by pushing a button to add video tools.
> Its not up to me, but I strongly disagree with allowing ubuntustudio-controls to install packages like that, as to me, its the same as shipping them on the disk. Yes they are not on the disks, yes users need to download and install them, but they are available as an option as part of the UI when they install the system. To put it another way, its like saying  that we actively support using software to work with proprietary/patented file formats.
>> ffmpeg and ffmpeg2theora are essentials package to make video. so if 
>> they can't be on the disk face to licence trouble, we have to plan to 
>> help their install. On our repository, there is cinelerra in the same 
>> trouble face to ubuntu/studio install disk.
> I don't doubt that they are very useful, and in many cases essential. However what I think has to happen here, is upstream needs to modularise their code more, to allow the patent free format manipulation pieces to be shipped by distros, hense allowing the tools to be there, discovered, and used. Then the user is able to install other plugins etc to work with proprietary/patented formats themselves at their own choice.
> Luke

Ok, I understand your point of view, but using kino is free, and kino 
don't contain any piece of proprietary code. There are lines in export 
filter which need to connect ffmpeg. If ffmpeg is not installed, like 
after using an ubuntu/studio disk, kino can't import or export any video 
not encoded previously except DV.

to have a complete full features in kino, you have to install 
mencoder/mplayer/ffmpeg etc... So our goal is to propose something to 
help install this kind of software. I think, the warning message which 
can be seen in totem bad and ugly codecs activation could be an idea for 
ubuntu studio controls.

make video need this kind of software, even to make a movie in ogv, 
encoded only with free software, we need kino at least...


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