raw1394, good right for all during startup ?

laurent.bellegarde laurent.bellegarde at free.fr
Mon Apr 20 16:09:19 BST 2009

Cory K. a écrit :
> suemac at empire.net wrote:
>>> I /believe/ a fix for Ubuntu Studio Controls was just accepted for this.
>>> Can anyone confirm?
>> Speaking of UBStudio Controls, is there doc anywhere that defines what it
>> does?
>> For example, what files it changes, what parameters it changes?
>> Or even recommendations for memlock limits, etc.?
> No. It needs documentation for sure. Anyone is welcome to pick this up.
> Just ask any questions and Andrew or Luis can chime in.

well, when a user tick the checkbox "enable raw1394", what does exactly 
ubuntu studio controls ?

for a simple user, to be able to get video from a DV camera, he needs 
two things,

- probing raw1394 module with sudo modprobe raw1394 (can be written for 
all the startup in /etc/modules)

- giving the good right to raw 1394 with sudo chmod 666 /dev/raw1394 (i 
don't know yet which file i should modify, several ways are in tests)


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