Jaunty RT testing
beejunk at gmail.com
beejunk at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 22:30:54 BST 2009
On Apr 19, 2009 2:00pm, wayne <wayne at jawnee.org> wrote:
> maybe it is not jackd that is stuck, but qjackctl, the QT gui for using
> jack? if so, "killall qjackctl.bin" may work. the nice thing about
> killall (at least on 8.04), is that after typing "killall", then entering
> a space, then start typing the name of the process, you can use the Tab
> key (ala Bash command completion) to finish the process name. when JACK
> freezes, check with killall if jackd is even running. it may just be that
> qtjackctl is stuck, which happens to me when the underlying jackd process
> crashes: jackd dies, but qtjackctl is frozen. also, the qtjackctl process
> will prob be "qtjackctl.bin", since that pre-script pauses PulseAudio
> using paususpender before starting jackd... again, at least on 8.04. this
> way, no PulseAudio getting in the way, while not having to totally remove
> it.
> hope that helps.
Thanks, I'll give these different techniques a shot, I'm sure one of them
will work. I'm still a bit baffled as to why the GUI for qjackctl was
changed at all to remove the ability to force quit. It worked fined in
Hardy, but with Jaunty the ability to just hit the 'X' button on the
windows and close it is now gone, along with the ability to right click and
hit 'force quit'. It's the same for any windows that JACK opens up, such as
the message window. Before, you could close it by hitting the 'X' button,
but now you must close it by hitting the 'Messages' button on the GUI
itself. Did they just want to make sure people were using the GUI to do
these things?
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