fluidsynth -f option

Joan Quintana joan_quintana at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 14 13:17:24 BST 2009

Thanks everybody for this nice discussion "Forging a new path". While most of the contributors can deal with philosophical thoughts, this poor soul is fighting (and learning a lot) trying to make music in an open source basis.

My idea is execute fluidsynth (and another applications) from shell, and have a boot script where I can put all the actions. So I open my laptop and I can start recording or playing back.

Typically I write 

$ fluidsynth -a alsa -m alsa_seq /home/joan/Escritorio/AltosaxJan.SF2A

and I can see the settings:

I can also see the settings with QSynth.

What I want is to load the settings from a configuration file (man fluidsynth):

fluidsynth -f fluidsynth.cfg,

but strangely there is no information nowhere (Google,...). It seems like I'm the only one trying that. I'm interested in the format of the file, of course, I tried:

audio.output-channels   2
audio.periods            16
audio.alsa.device        default
audio.file.name          fluidsynth.raw

fluidsynth tries to read the file but of course the format is wrong.

Joan Quintana


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