Computer Music #129 article about Ubuntu Studio

Cory K. coryisatm at
Fri Sep 12 16:08:32 BST 2008

Steven Davies-Morris wrote:
> Luis de Bethencourt wrote:
>> The 6 scans can be downloaded and viewed from:
>> Awesome! Thanks Steven.
>> Luis
> You're welcome.  It doesn't tell us much we don't already know, and it 
> would have been nice if there'd been one more page of text going a bit 
> deeper into Ubuntu Studio.  But the fact that they'd give it 6 pages 
> and show the range of apps and say such positive things about it is a 
> very good sign that Ubuntu Studio is going to be taken seriously as a 
> viable DAW environment.

What sux, is the fact that they're *not* using Studio. It's some
completely messed up Ubuntu. Tons of icons. No Ardour or mention of -rt.
(that I can see yet) Didn't use the theme. We're pissed. It's a

-Cory K.

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