M-Audio Fireport Info Request

Matthew Polashek matt at tinysongs.net
Thu May 15 01:07:44 BST 2008

I'm nearly certain we're referring to the firepod here.  I believe this 
is not currently supported by the ffado project.

Andrew Hunter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Steve Meiers wrote:
> | I hope this is the right place to ask.
> |
> | I'm using Ubuntu-Studio 7.10 and would like to incorporate my M-Audio
> | Fireport  audio interface. It's basically a firewire interface with
> | 4xADAT in/out, MIDI I/O, SP/DIF I/O and a stereo analog out pair via 1/4
> | inch jacks. It works great under XP, but I really want to use it in
> | Ubuntu Studio instead. I keep reading that firewire audio interfaces are
> | next to impossible to use with Linux but maybe I'm not looking in the
> | right places. Can anyone here point me to information on getting this
> | M-Audio Fireport interface working with Ubuntu Studio?
> There is no reference on M-Audio's site to any product called
> "Fireport". Are you certain that is the product name/model number?
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> =Maxw

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