Audio production and composing

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at
Tue May 6 17:05:51 BST 2008

Take a look at vkeybd (Virtual Keyboard).  It allows you to map your PC keyboard to notes in synths, sequencers, and MIDI connections.

It takes some getting used to, but it is better than step sequencing with a mouse!


----- Original Message ----
From: "hollunder at" <hollunder at>
To: ubuntu-studio-users at
Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2008 10:43:24 AM
Subject: Re: Audio production and composing

On Tue, 6 May 2008 18:25:23 +0300
fokusfired <fokusfired at> wrote:

> Hi, I am a long time Ubuntu user, but relatively new to Ubuntu studio
> and especially audio production. I understand basic jack configuration
> and settings. But right now I don't have a midi keyboard for writing
> music. It is very difficult to write everything with mouse in the
> sequencers. Do you know a way for writing electronic music, notes
> without midi keyboard. I do not know but maybe there is an easy way to
> produces loops or editting them.
> Thanks

One way to work fast without a keyboard is to use a keyboard ;)
The pc-keyboard and a tracker.
It's mostly used for electronic music but it may be possible to do
other music as well. Trackers usually work with synths and samples.
I think ubuntu studio doesn't include a tracker by default and I don't
really know which ones are good, but I would try soundtracker and

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