Problem with Blender in Hardy

Cory K. coryisatm at
Mon May 5 02:23:46 BST 2008

Irene Coremberg wrote:
> Hello:
> Recently I've migrated to Ubuntu Studio 8.04, and had some trouble with 
> Blender:
> 1- Blender works with two modes: Windowed and fullscreen, but both two 
> works as fullscreen.

Turn off Compiz.

> 2- When I try to get a Render (F12), the program crashes.

Might also be Compiz related.

> Since last month, I used it on Ubuntu Studio 7.10 and it worked very well.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks a lot
> Irene C.

I always recommend a from-disk install if you need Studio. Installing
the metas from the repo is *not* Studio.

-Cory \m/

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