Hardy doesn't recognize usb turntable

Gustin Johnson gustin at echostar.ca
Sun May 4 17:56:35 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Try setting the sample rate to 48000.

Also try another program such as rezound.  You may also wish to see if
jack starts up with the USB device (qjackctl under setup you can choose
the input device in a drop down box).


Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| Andrew Hunter wrote:
| Andrew Hunter wrote:
| | Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| | | Andrew Hunter wrote:
| | | Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| | | | Andrew Hunter wrote:
| | | | Fred Schuelzky wrote:
| | | | | Hello
| | | | |     I upgraded to Hardy last nite, and so far I can't get the
os to
| | | | see my
| | | | | usb turntable. I couldn't get it to work properly under Gutsy
but it
| | | | was
| | | | | recognized.
| | | |
| | | | Please attach the output of "lsusb -v" and "dmesg | tail" (after
| pluging
| | | | in the device).
| | | |
| | | | Thanks,
| | | |
| | | | Andrew.
| | | |
| | | |>
| | |
| | | | Hi Andrew
| | | |     Was it you that answered a previous message of mine??  Some
how I
| | | | lost those messages in the bowels of Thunderbird, sorry.
| | |
| | | | The attachment is in abiword format couldn't get it to paste
into open
| | | | office format.
| | |
| | | A plain text file would be preferable. You can redirect the output of
| | | the commands with  the > operator in bash. ie:
| | |
| | | lsusb -v > lsusb.txt
| | |
| | | Then attach lsusb.txt
| | |
| | |
| | | Thanks,
| | |
| | | Andrew
| | |>
| | | Andrew
| | | 	Where does the output from this command go lsusb -v > lsusb.txt?
I ran
| | | it in shell and nothing seems to happen.
| |
| | Look in the directory you ran the command in. You can specify it
| | explicitly. For example lsusb -v > ~/lsusb.txt will redirect the output
| | to lsusb.ext in your home folder.
| lsusb.txt rather.
| |
| | | Thanks Fred
| |
| |
| |
| Andrew
| 	The output for lsusb - v  is at   http://pastebin.com/m36edaa46
| 	The output for dmesg | tail is at   http://pastebin.com/m1148345e

| I'm really not at all sure what the information means for lsusb - v.
| Looking at the output from dmseg it does show the turntable. I tried
| audacity again and it, under preferences > I/O audio gives me the usb
| codec option under recording.
| When I try to record it gives me the following error msg " Error while
| opening sound device. Please check the input device
|   settings and the project sample rate.".
| Under preferences > quality I have the sample rate at 44100 Hz. and the
| sample format 16-bit.

| Thanks
| Fred

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