xruns at a period of 10 minutes

Fabien Juchniewicz fabien at juchniewicz.eu
Sat May 3 07:36:22 BST 2008


You should try to stop the "network monitor". By stoppping it, I achieve
no xruns at 0,667ms of latency !

You can try also to launch jackd with something like : nice -n-15 jackd
XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX to be sure to have a highest priority.

my 0.02€ :-)


Le vendredi 02 mai 2008 à 23:36 +0200, hollunder at gmx.at a écrit :

> Hi,
> I get quite reliably a single xrun at a period of exactly 10 minutes,
> and I haven't found the problem yet.
> Since it's exactly 10 minutes I suspect that it is some system-thing,
> but even deactivating anacron didn't help.
> I somehow suspect that it is some network stuff, so if you happen to
> know of a heavy network activity that happens at that interval, please
> tell me.
> I don't get the xrun completely reliable, but almost, and the period
> didn't change, so it may be at xx.3, xx.13, xx.33, x.43,...
> The jack settings are more on the lowlatency-side, about 8ms on my usb
> device, and otherwise quite stable.
> (/usr/bin/jackd -R -P70 -p128 -dalsa -r44100 -p128 -n3 -D -Chw:1 -Phw:1
> -i2 -o2 -Xseq)
> I wonder if other users experience something similar or have some ideas.
> Thanks in advance,
> 	Philipp
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