Jack and SB-awe soundcard

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Mar 29 15:31:17 GMT 2008

On Saturday 29 March 2008, mark at msbrepairs.com wrote:
> There is a way to force it to use the same one every time.
> I think it is done with alsa's configuration.
> When I get a chance, I will look it up.

I diddled around with a couple of different suggestions people made in 
response to previous queries on that matter, but nothing actually worked.  If 
you do come up with a suggestion that does the job, we should publish it 
widely, and in an idiot-proof format.

I rarely reboot anyway, so I can live with this.  It sure is annoying though.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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