Manual for MuseScore (mscore) in Hardy?

Toby Smithe tsmithe at
Sun Mar 23 18:04:25 GMT 2008

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Joseph Wakeling
<joseph.wakeling at> wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I'm running the Kubuntu Hardy beta on my machine and, following an
>  install of the ubuntustudio-audio set of packages, was delighted to
>  discover the mscore score-creation package.
>  There's one niggle: the "Manual" option in the help menu generates an
>  error message,
>   "MuseScore manual not found at: /usr/share/mscore-0.9/doc/man-en.pdf"
>  I note there's no mscore-doc package in the repositories.  So what's the
>  issue here?  I noticed the version contains a 'dfsg' so are there issues
>  with the manual's licensing and Debian guidelines?

Due to an issue with the build system in 0.9.1d, documentation
building was disabled. However, I am in the process of preparing an
upload that fixes this (and other) bugs.

As to the -rt kernel, be aware that it means the CPU never gets to the
low-power C4 state, and thus uses a lot more energy. I don't recommend
you run realtime on a laptop.

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