Fwd: [ubuntu-marketing] Sheffield University music department switching to Ubuntu Studio

Toby Smithe tsmithe at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 15 17:52:48 GMT 2008


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Warburton <chriswarbo at googlemail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 11:18 AM
Subject: [ubuntu-marketing] Sheffield University music department
switching to Ubuntu Studio
To: ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com

Hello, I'm a student at Sheffield University in the UK (and head of our
  students' Free Software Society) and our music department is in the
  process of installing Ubuntu Studio (dual boot) on all of their studio
  computers. As I understand it multimedia support in WINE is not robust
  enough to run some unique Windows applications (eg. Sibelius
  http://www.sibelius.com), but they are the minority (hence the

  This is being lead by the head of the studios Adrian Moore and one of
  the department's technicians the (unrelated) Dave Moore. They have
  written a rather objective study on the feasability of the switch along
  with a case study of creating a composition on Ubuntu Studio here
  and they are both happy for a link to be put into the UWN, along with
  any future documents about the switch.

  Chris Warburton

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