Oops, another brick in the wall...

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Thu Mar 13 04:08:02 GMT 2008

On Wednesday 12 March 2008, Luis de Bethencourt wrote:

> Make it $10. I've been working programming in QT in C++ for a company
> now, and I'm so glad in a month it's over and I'm moving to a better
> place. C++/QT programming... now that's hateful.

My C++ was so old I had no idea what the STL was, and I had never done any GUI 
programming to speak of at all.  (I did attempt to port an old DOS app to 
Windows using Turbo Pascal for Windows and OWL, but it was enough of a train 
wreck to make me put away my compilers for the next 10 years or so, and just 
play luser.)

I found QT surprisingly easy to put together.  I have trouble with layouts.  
People are always having to clean up my layouts.  But any toolkit that can 
get a total clueless dumbass like me up and writing dialog boxes in a single 
evening is pretty impressive to me.  Best of all, unlike that Windows fiasco, 
the code I write now doesn't send program execution into the data strings.  
The moment I decided to hang it up all those years ago was when I started 
tracing through my program opcode by opcode, and I finally realized that 
something like "Press any key" was translating to JMP xxxxxx, where xxxxxx 
was about "any" or so.  I finally figured out the infinite loop, but never 
had any clue why the hell that was happening.  Time to quit.

QT made relevant as a programmer again, and I'm grateful for that.

But I'll take back my "I hate GNOME" remarks, for the record.  I know better 
than to be a dick toward another project in public, and regret my misdeed.

Unless the project is Emacs.  I think it's always acceptable to be a dick 
toward Emacs.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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