Oops, another brick in the wall...

Luis de Bethencourt luisbg at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 10 16:15:35 GMT 2008

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 5:12 PM, D. Michael McIntyre
<michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com> wrote:
> On Monday 10 March 2008, Luis de Bethencourt wrote:
>  > For a tag-free world,
>  I'm tagging mine no matter what you say.
>  CATEGORY: Most Awesome Music Ever
>    GENRE: Awesomeness Embodied in Music
>    STYLE: Awesomeness Unleashed
>   ARTIST: World's Sexiest Linux Geek

I haven't released anything yet, why do you have me as artist?
World's sexiest linux geek, formerly known as luisbg (prince jokes
never get old).


>  But seriously, I guess you'd call this techno improv or something.  Damnfino.
>  I just started playing with a repetitive thumpy bassy thing and played some
>  really bad improv trumpet over top of it.  I left it unfinished for a month
>  or two, and decided after the third time I wanted to listen to it, and had to
>  set all that junk back up in order to do so, it was time to record it and
>  call it finished.  Even though it's even more lame than the usual level of
>  lameness I achieve with my music.
>  I don't aspire to anything more than amusing myself with some instruments and
>  a computer.  I certainly do spend a vast amount of my time tinkering with
>  something that I could really live without pretty easily.  Maybe that's why
>  we develop Rosegarden.  Real musicians would be too busy writing music to
>  have time to dick around with the authoring tools.
>  --
> D. Michael McIntyre
>  --
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Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá
<luisbg at ubuntu.com>
GPG: B0ED1326

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