Now Running totally Ubuntu

Michael Jeter michael.damian.jeter at
Sat Jul 12 12:21:01 BST 2008

My pc gave up the ghost and I bought a Dell Vostro, scrapped Windoze
Vistrash, and I now am running Ubuntu Studio completely.

A few questions:

The Open Office Word processor does not have a spell - check
dictionary.  Where can I get that?

The DVD/CD drive needs to be mounted.  I do not know how.  Can anyone
explain that?

I enjoy Pandora.  It says that in order to run, it needs plugins.
When I click on that message, it send me to Adobe Flash, which I have
downloaded, but still nothing.  What do I have to do to get the Adobe
-- and hopefully -- Pandora working?

Thank you,
Michael Jeter

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