CD version

Luis de Bethencourt luisbg at
Tue Jul 22 16:16:38 BST 2008


Not really, just as soon as possible but no stress. I can wait it to
be good and with pictures :)

Thanks a lot,

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Matthew Polashek <matt at> wrote:
> Hi!
> Do you have a deadline?
> Matt
> Luis de Bethencourt wrote:
>> Hello Matthew!
>> I'm the co-lead of Ubuntu Studio.
>> Your story is definetly awesome. Makes me proud of what we have built.
>> I am trying to recollect personal stories of Ubuntu Studio users,
>> especially people like you who have used Ubuntu Studio for something
>> special and community benefitial.
>> Could you please put me up to date with the effect Ubuntu Studio has
>> had in your school. And can you please add some photos of you and your
>> students using it and showing the love ;)
>> I am going to publish in the net a few personal stories with Ubuntu
>> Studio, and yours is perfect. I need it! Hopefully this will bring
>> some attention, make media in free software better, and then your
>> future students will be even more interested, and the circle will
>> continue.
>> Thanks!
>> Luis de Bethencourt
>> On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 2:20 AM, Matthew Polashek <matt at> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I've been a Linux audio freak for about 5 years now.  I started by
>>> building low latency and pre-emption kernels with patches back when
>>> you had to do it by hand!  I took a PC out of the garbage from my
>>> work (Pentium II 300 I think) and building ardour on it.  It used to
>>> be epic and all my nerd-friends were very impressed I was able to do
>>> it!  Now I am teaching music in a High School in a gang ridden
>>> neighborhood in Brooklyn.  It's one of these small schools with 400
>>> students and we are financially challenged, as all schools in NYC
>>> are.  We have been very fortunate to receive some money for computers
>>> from JP Morgan Chase, but there is only one PC in my classroom and
>>> I'm still using my Mac Laptop (Ubuntu Studio for PPC
>>> please?!?!?!?!?!)  running OSX and Ardour2 for my students.  I have
>>> found out that one of the best ways to get their attention is to have
>>> them record music in the classroom.  Instead of having students
>>> running out of class and literally tearing down my door, they are now
>>> running to class and banging on my door all day long.  It's
>>> exhausting to go without a prep period or a lunch for months, but
>>> seeing these students grow and watching their grades and attendance
>>> go up makes it all worth it.
>>> Anyway, I was able to get ahold of some P4 2.66 PCs for my classroom,
>>> and while there is still no funding for software, I have the ability
>>> now to give them production workstations to work and learn on.  And
>>> thanks to UbuntuStudio, I can now configure these machines without
>>> the huge time investment that something like CCRMA takes.  (I
>>> installed the latest FC6 version and still can't launch ardour2 as a
>>> non-root user even after multiple e-mail list postings and some
>>> excellent help from their developers.  Music teachers that are also
>>> working musicians don't have that much time!)  An added bonus is the
>>> eye-candy aspect.  The wonderful theme you guys have put in place
>>> will hook them really fast, I'm sure!  And when they find out they
>>> can install this on their home PCs, they will probably freak out!
>>> I have had other staff members approach me to do various multimedia
>>> projects, but I have had to tell them they would either have to use
>>> my personal machines or suffer.  Now I will be able to help them!
>>> (I'm the music teacher, tech guy, and Robotics nerd all in one...such
>>> is the life of a small school teacher.)
>>> I recently introduced one of my more advanced students to Digital
>>> Performer 5, but the complexity to a bit intense for him.  Ardour2 is
>>> still a bit unstable on OSX.  I think the Linux version will provide
>>> a much more satisfactory experience for me and my students!
>>> Again, I can't thank the UbuntuStudio team enough!
>>> Matt
>>> On May 23, 2007, at 10:11 AM, Luis de Bethencourt wrote:
>>>> Please explain why your school and students. We want to know your
>>>> personal experience and use for the distro/system.
>>>> Luis
>>>> On 5/23/07, Matthew Polashek <matt at> wrote:
>>>>> You rule!!!!!!!
>>>>> My school and students, as well as I thank you!
>>>>> Matthew Polashek
>>>>> Home: 732.424.6153
>>>>> Cell: 908.642.5770
>>>>> matt at
>>>>> On May 22, 2007, at 8:19 PM, Cory K. wrote:
>>>>> Matthew Polashek wrote:
>>>>> Doh!  OK.
>>>>> Is there a path from Ubuntu regular to Ubuntu studio or any alternate
>>>>> installation process to get to Ubuntustudio that does not involve a
>>>>> DVD drive?
>>>>> On May 22, 2007, at 8:09 PM, Cory K. wrote:
>>>>> Matthew Polashek wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> Is there a non-DVD version of Ubuntustudio I can download somewhere?
>>>>> Matt
>>>>> No. We have no plans for one but never say never.
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>>>> Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá
>>>> luisbg
>>>> <bethencourt at>
>>>> GPG: B0ED1326
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Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá
<luisbg at>
GPG: B0ED1326

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