Use of Ubuntu Studio logo

Cory K. coryisatm at
Sat Jul 19 18:26:22 BST 2008

Paul DeShaw wrote:
> Greetings,
> If I want to make T-shirts or other items with the Ubuntu Studio logo,
> whose permission do I need?  I really like that logo, and would love
> to have it on a shirt.  I would rather just buy one, but I haven't
> found any, so I thought I might have to make my own.

Sorry. You can *only* make them for personal use. Sale of any sort is

There are plans to get some stuff printed up in the next few months for UDS.

I do have 1 hoodie left from a limited run. I *had* intended to sell it
to someone else but lost the email address of the guy. :(

If you want it, $20+shipping.

-Cory K.

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