Suggesting new package for Ubuntu Studio

Gustin Johnson gustin at
Thu Jul 10 11:55:29 BST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Gustin Johnson wrote:
| Hartmut Noack wrote:
| | Cory K. schrieb:
| |> Beepo / Vanguard wrote:
| |
| |>> I would like to make a suggestion for a new package to Ubuntu Studio.
| |>> Rakarrak ( ) is a excellent guitar
| |
| |> Since there doesn't look to be a package in Debian nor Ubuntu it will
| |> need to be packaged. We have a set number of things to work on this
| |> release so the team does not plan to handle this. *If* it shows up in
| |> the archive we can take it from there.
| |
| |> -Cory \m/
| |
| | Rackarack is important - fast evolving, very useful software that fills
| | a gap. It is not perfect though: has no LADSPA-Interface and no
| | Amp-simulation but it could easily have it with the next release and the
| | next release can be there in some 2-3 months.
| |
| | So not to have it in Ubuntustudio (where it can be build easily with
| | onboard  dev packages) would not be wise...
| It needs a maintainer.  If this is something you feel you could do then
| this is probably a good start:
| For now it is easy enough to get and build it ourselves.

I spent some time looking at it this afternoon.  This would be a good
package for someone to cut their teeth on.  Follow the guide above and
use rakarrack instead of their example package, it is not that hard and
there do not appear to be any weird complications.
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