Newbie question - soundcard support

hollunder at hollunder at
Thu Jul 3 10:45:25 BST 2008

On Thu, 3 Jul 2008 10:47:00 +0200 (CEST)
humbert.olivier.1 at wrote:

> hello
> it's work fine on linux system
>     * input/output works
>     * record, play, pause works
>     * I haven't try to make works the left-part of the card (faders
> for 4 tracks) maybe they works, maybe not
> ciao'livier
> Salut,
> la carte fonctionne bien sur un system linux
>    * les entrées/sorties fonctionnent
>    * enregistrement, play, pause fonctionnent
>    * Je n'ai pas essayé de faire fonctionner la partie gauche de la
> carte (les faders pour 4 pistes), peut être qu'ils fonctionnent, ou
> pas

The smaller Tascam is reported to work afaik, it's similar to this one:
The Problem is that the newer one, US-122L does not work, so if you can
get one without the L it should be fine.
I personally use an roland/edirol UA-25 which has about the same
There's also an Alesis usb device that is very similar.

If firewire is an option for you, you could try to find a small device
that is known to work. Firewire has some benefits over usb and few
drawbacks, like, not being available on every computer and not working
very well with every firewire controller chipset.

Have a look at for soundcards in general,
and for firewire audio devices.

Good luck

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