Serious help is needed with debugging what wrong with our system sounds.

Fernando M Lacerda fernandomlac at
Mon Jan 28 19:05:56 GMT 2008

> > Cory, I am not writing with any neartime help, just a couple of suggestions.
> > 1) Clarification of terms: what is a {  seb128  }; { crimsun }
> > 2) Statement of system having the problem: Is it { Ubuntu Studio }; { Ubuntu
> > Studio package in Hardy }; { gnome desktop? }
> > 3)From your statement it tells me your overall audio system is operative.
> > { true /  false ? }
> > 4)  Statement:  { When running gnome-sound-properties and rapidly trying to
> > play the sounds I will hit a caching error. }
> >   "gnome-sound-properties"  is the same as the desktop " sound preferences "?
> > 5) { rapidly trying to play } means
> >       ----rapidly trigerring the mouse button?
> >       ----rapidly keying from the keyboard?
> >             either case I suspect that observation has nothing to do with the
> > desktop  tone.

> >   Cory, I am not writing with any neartime help, just a couple of suggestions.

>  When you're willing to help, I'll answer. I get more than enough
> "suggestions" on a daily basis.

Hey, Cory, take it easy! I understand you're on a rush, and you're not
getting the help you need. However, Thomas has a point with his
suggestions. I'm just a beginner Studio user, I haven't produced
anything real so far with it. I don't WORK with audio, I just LIKE it.
I'm not a very experienced linux user also.

Thus, I don't know if I am the right person to help you out with that
issue. BUT, if I knew what "seb128", "crimsun" mean, and if I
understood what "rapidly trying to play the sounds" means, maybe I
could figure out some way of helping.


Fernando L

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