Serious help is needed with debugging what wrong with our system sounds.

thomas fisher studio1 at
Mon Jan 28 17:29:38 GMT 2008

On Monday 28 January 2008 06:32:42 Cory K. wrote:
> Cory K. wrote:
> > ttoine at wrote:
> >> Cory K. a écrit :
> >>> Ok. After some going back and fourth with seb128 and some help with
> >>> crimsun I got the login/out sounds working in Ubuntu-hardy again but
> >>> not in Ubuntu Studio for some reason. The rest of the system sounds
> >>> work but not the sounds at GDM or Login/out.
> >>>
> >>> When running gnome-sound-properties and rapidly trying to play the
> >>> sounds I will hit a caching error.
> >>> So we need help to get this sorted out.
> >>> -Cory
> >> Is pulse audio enabled in hardy per default ?
> >> Toine
> > Yes.
> > -Cory \m/
> <sarcasm> It's great to see all the people stepping up and helping out.
> </sarcasm>
> If I can't get help on this it will be broken for Hardy's release.
> -Cory
  Cory, I am not writing with any neartime help, just a couple of suggestions.
1) Clarification of terms: what is a {  seb128  }; { crimsun }
2) Statement of system having the problem: Is it { Ubuntu Studio }; { Ubuntu 
Studio package in Hardy }; { gnome desktop? }
3)From your statement it tells me your overall audio system is operative.      
{ true /  false ? }
4)  Statement:  { When running gnome-sound-properties and rapidly trying to 
play the sounds I will hit a caching error. }
   "gnome-sound-properties"  is the same as the desktop " sound preferences "?
5) { rapidly trying to play } means  
       ----rapidly trigerring the mouse button?
       ----rapidly keying from the keyboard?
             either case I suspect that observation has nothing to do with the 
desktop  tone.

Now: Please note how much I { another independent Linux user, just like 
yourself } am trying to help a fellow user. I am not familiar with the api of 
these desktop protocols and how thy interact may solve your problem. Have you 
submitted a bug report?
I hope this helps

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