Presonus Firebox on Ubuntu Studio

Hartmut Noack zettberlin at
Mon Jan 7 20:38:52 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

hamish schrieb:
> ...yes! i have sound
> not sure what i did but it suddenly started working
> also I started it with
>  > jackd -R -dfreebob
> and then I can set the parameters with JackControl
> and then restart with the same command
> (thanks Hartmut for your help)

your welcome :-)
Strange thing though, that qjackctl does not do in the first place...

> coming from cubase and before that logic audio
> i can see that all the same potentiality is there

It is but the methods are very different. That is: you need some 4 or 6
Linuxapps to get hand on the forces you can handle with cubase alone.

Ardour for HD-Recording/Arrangements/FX
Rosegarden for Midisequencing/Notation/Synthplugins
Zynadd, AMS and relatives for more and better synthesis, Specimen as a
sampleplayer etc etc etc
Plus Qjackctl to govern them all

Many different tools need many different skills to be mastered and
dependencies must be taken under control.

 For me this is just fine, I do very well with that approach and I would
not return to Samplitude even if it would run perfectly in Linux and
cost only 20 E
But it takes some time to learn how to handle it. Yet in the end it
yields great results for me and if there would be a little button on the
desktop to store and restart a complete session (via LASH, script driven
or whatever...) - I would be perfectly happy with Linux audio and would
consider everyone using one of the big fat dinosaurs of old an
ignorant... ;-)

> jackrack could do with a more intuitive gui

AMS has some more powers in store as a LADSPA-Host but lacks the ability
to stereoize Mono-plugins - if you do not need easy stereoizing you get
complete MIDI-control for all parameters, preset-storing and a
customizable panel for the most important parameters.
It is complicated/unpracticable to run patches with more then 20-30
Parameters in jackrack - in AMS I can handle patches with hundreds of
sliders easily.

> and sooperlooper is my favourite app to start composing from

Never really understand how to work with Sooperlooper - I hear so many
praising it, I guess I should take the time to learn how to use it...


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