new free video editor ready for ubuntu studio

laurent.bellegarde laurent.bellegarde at
Mon Jan 7 15:29:34 GMT 2008

Hartmut Noack a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> laurent.bellegarde schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I've just tested it,
>> kdenlive is in gutsy gibbon repository in 0.5 release, very easy to 
>> install it with synaptic.
>> This software very easy to use for video editing is between kino for 
>> beginners and cinelerra for advanced users, 
> I can back that - Kdenlive is really cool: important features like a
> timeline-editor but much easier to use then Cinelerra. Unfortuantely it
> is not stable enough for daily use - if crashbugs are fixed, it is
> absolutey worth being included!

Hi, the only trouble i have with it is crashing when i load ogg theora 
media, the codec is not completly included.

But for the rest, eveything is ok, or seems to.


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