Hardy kernel

Cory K. coryisatm at nc.rr.com
Thu Jan 3 16:15:18 GMT 2008

Susan Cragin wrote:
> The Alpha 2 CD still does not load the kernel properly on my machine.
> However, I re-installed my system using the Alpha 1 disk and then
> running a dist-upgrade, and am now running flawlessly. Pulse is
> listed. (I haven't tried it yet.) So I assume I have all the Alpha 2
> upgrades. The default desktop changed, and a couple of other things.

The new -rt kernel will be uploaded Friday. It *should* be in Alpha3.
There will be a new Metacity soon. Usplash and GDM are W.I.P.

What is your opinion of the new layout?

-Cory \m/

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