Hardy kernel

alex stone compose59 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 15:05:34 GMT 2008

Susan, thanks for the heads up. I was considering an upgrade fairly soon.
I'll hold off now. Good info at the right time!

For those who are using Ubuntustudio for audio work, i've charted a bit of a
journey in a thread on the Reaper forum. I'm a new user of linux, and
thought i'd document the journey. Who knows, maybe others will gain
something from it too.


Happy new year to you all,and i wish for all of you an enjoyable,
prosperous, and successful 2008.

I do hope, given the enjoyment and working satisfaction i've already gained
from Ubuntustudio, that this 'flavour' of ubuntu continues well into the

Well done and thanks to all concerned. You did good, lol.

Alex Stone.
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