audacity and jack

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Tue Jan 1 02:43:20 GMT 2008

On Monday 31 December 2007, Jesus Arocho wrote:

> Ok.  I wanted to use audacity for its plugins, specifically click removal. 
> I have searched but have not found how to do it in ardour.

Interesting.  I had a look at it, and "Click removal" and a bunch of other 
things were grayed out.  Anyway, it looks like those are probably builtin 
functions, instead of plugin based (I'd have to get and look at the source to 
be sure, so let's just go with my guess) so you probably really do need to 
run Audacity to use that.  (Or find another way with some LADSPA plugin in a 
JACK-friendly wave editor like reZound or mhwaveedit.)

Audacity not using JACK probably doesn't matter so much for this purpose 
anyway, since you're not wanting to do anything in realtime.  Just stop JACK 
temporarily, then start it back up when needed.  Might I suggest that 
QJackCtl makes this very easy, if you're not already using it.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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