12 x Ubuntu Studio = Digital Music Classroom

Asmo Koskinen asmo.koskinen at arkki.info
Thu Aug 14 16:46:51 BST 2008

Hi, this week started another school year here in Finland. And we 
finally have brand new digital music classroom. 12 fast and powerful 
digital audio workstations.

Here is a video about that classroom (in finnish). But first part is in 
more universal language.

Ubuntu Studio 8.04:

We also have 2 servers and 113 thin clients, here is video about that 
(yes, in finnish).

Ubuntu 8.04:

Both videos made with 64-bit Ubuntu Studio/Kino here at home.

Thank you Cory (and everybody else, too), you all have done great job 
for us!

ps. here are my Wiki pages for Ubuntu Studio and also for Flumotion (in 


Best Regards Asmo Koskinen,

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