Xruns and Network Manager

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 4 02:00:22 BST 2008

holotone at gmail.com wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com
> <mailto:coryisatm at ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     Fabien Juchniewicz wrote:
>     > Yes...
>     >
>     > You can try to start jackd with a higher priority, like this : nice
>     > -n-15 /usr/bin/jackd (in qjackctl / Setup)
>     >
>     > You can try also to desactivate network manager which causes me some
>     > xruns...
>     Which is the reason why it's not included by default :) (people
>     have no
>     clue how much crap we've got lately for this)
> Are there any non-xrun-causing alternatives to network manager? I find
> it incredibly useful, and would hate to not have access to it or
> something like it.

The normal GNOME network tools are there and have worked for years on
every laptop I've owned. Just a little more manual if you hop to
different networks. Mine doesn't leave the house.

> How bad is the problem it causes?

Depends on the setup I guess. But it's generally enough to put it in
with the reasons *not* to include it by default.

-Cory K.

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