Upgrading to Ardour 2.4.1

Daniel Green octoberdan at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 23:33:38 BST 2008

>  For certain programs I just compile so I can have the latest version, ardour
>  is one of them.  I also compile digikam, ufraw, and GIMP.
I had trouble getting ardour to compile with ubuntu. I kept installing
the dependencies as they were pointed out to me, but then hit a wall
when told that my version of jack wasn't adequate...  which didn't
seem right as I had the latest from the repository... I gave up after
that. Plus, I'd rather have my versioning managed by apt so as to save
me time in the future.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 6:29 PM, Jesus Arocho <jesus_arocho at comcast.net> wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 April 2008 14:27:02 Daniel Green wrote:
>  > Hello,
>  >
>  > I noticed that Hardy Heron's Ardour version is only 2.3.1. I've tried
>  > upgrading to Ardour 2.4.1 with the debian package, but run into weird
>  > problems that end up forcing me to apt-get install -f until the
>  > original ardour version is installed... Is there an ubuntu package out
>  > there? How would I go about building one if there isn't? Is there
>  > another way I can do this? I'd really like to be running the latest
>  > version of Ardour.
>  >
>  > Any help/input will be greatly appreciated,
>  > Thank you for your time!
>  For certain programs I just compile so I can have the latest version, ardour
>  is one of them.  I also compile digikam, ufraw, and GIMP.
>  --
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