Queries of a newbie

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 17 12:44:39 BST 2008

shirish wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I'm a newbie to the list . I have been reading quite a bit of the
> archives of the mailing list and need to know few things.
> 1. Artwork
> I just saw some beautiful user-contributed artwork for UbuntuStudio
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserContributed
> Are there plans in works for having something (specifically CD covers
> for UbuntuStudio 8.04) in works

There are no plans for "official" disk art.

> 2. Licensing
> Under what license are these works put under, are they under GFDL or
> something else?

It's up to the author to put a license to their images. Keep in mind,
the absence of a license does not mean it's free and open to use whereever.

Actually, I'm gonna make it a requirement to give a license to all the
images put on the wiki.

> 3. Release Candidate
> When is the release candidate up for release? I know Ubuntu's RC is up now.

The RC for Ubuntu is not up ATM. The images for what *might* be are, but
not the official RC. When that goes up, ours will as well. Our RC will
be the daily from the 16th.

-Cory K. \m/

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