studio live from a USB?

altern altern2 at
Wed Apr 9 19:20:03 BST 2008

>>> is if possible to have Ubuntu Stidio as a liveCD booting from a USB 
>>> drive? I have a laptop with no cd drive. That would be nice to be
>>> able to install the system there. Otherwise I guess the best way to
>>> get Studio there would be to install normal Ubuntu from livecd on USB
>>> and then upgrade to Studio.
>>> thanks for tips
>>> enrike
>> There is and probably won't be a live-CD Version of ubuntu studio, but
>> I would guess that the ubuntu studio dvd could be booted from a
>> usb-stick in the same way.
>> I've never done that, but there are probably lots of guides around.
>> Installing normal ubuntu and adding the studio stuff would probably work
>> as well, I don't know if there are any differences besides the
>> additional packages that you will get with a default ubuntu install.
> thanks i am trying this second option after following this howto to set 
> the USB bootable drive.
> then I will try this
> I think this will work fine. if i get any problems I will post the 
> errors and solutions here.

it all worked fine following those howtos.


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