Two Questions?

Susan Cragin susancragin at
Thu Apr 3 12:41:35 BST 2008

I wish it had a SafeMode. Hardy Heron has lots of problems with video drivers including mine, and I have to manually load the vesa driver and the command
Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,Auto"
Today some stupid welcome screen wouldn't load, and I have been reduced to a prompt. 
I have an ASUS and the video driver problems are well-known on the Ubuntu bug list.

-----Original Message-----
>From: hollunder at
>Sent: Apr 3, 2008 7:02 AM
>To: ubuntu-studio-users at
>Subject: Re: Two Questions?
>On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 15:19:15 +0200
><hollunder at> wrote:
>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:55:03 -0400
>> "Cory K." <coryisatm at> wrote:
>> > Ming wrote:
>> > > I think it's very appropriate... ;) I'm also wondering about
>> > > that.... and why doesn't ubuntu studio have a graphical installer
>> > > & bootloader (as in JAD - Jack Audio Distribution)?
>> > 
>> > No graphical installer. Bootloader? Like a picture behind GRUB?
>> > Otherwise Usplash might fit this bill.
>> > 
>> > > On 3/29/08, *Adrian Wells* <Pons_Varolii at
>> > > <mailto:Pons_Varolii at>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >     This may not be an appropriate to ask here….but why doesn't
>> > > Ubuntu Studio have a liveCD?
>> > >
>> > 
>> > Because we don't intend for Ubuntu Studio t be run as a live system.
>> > It also means it's another disk we have to maintain. We have enough
>> > work already. Especially with the fact that nobody besides the team
>> > really tests the current one.
>> > 
>> > -Cory \m/
>> Cory, do you know if there will be a release candidate or something
>> like that in the near future? With my luck at downloading the beta the
>> earliest time to test it is tomorrow. 
>> My updated thing from alpha4 is pretty much unusable for testing since
>> quite some stuff got messed up during the updates and due to my
>> experiments.
>> Also, please tell me where the focus of testing should be. Everything
>> is quite a lot and includes all the general ubuntu stuff.
>> Best Regards,
>> 	Philipp
>Thanks for guidance... don't complain if the report is not to your
>Bugs and issues, Ubuntu Studio related:
>The colour set still causes problems, klick any of the 'unlock' buttons
>and on 'advanced' or whatever it was, and you will see a dark-blue link
>on dark-grey background, unreadable.
>Also, there happen to be websites where drop-down menus (I mean
>something like a font combo box) are dark-grey in background with black
>letters, the same old unreadable stuff.
>I noticed that the ubuntu studio theme has the black background as
>default, not one of the custom made ones.
>jackd could have saner default settings, for example the rt-option
>could be set as default, periods to 3, .. whatever.
>By default, the alsa-pcm level is set to 80%, does that make sense or
>serve a certain purpose?
>Some menu items don't have a 'tool tip', example: pure data.
>Rants and stuff for Intrepid:
>IMHO the colours aren't any good, they cause problems in readability,
>have low contrast and don't serve a purpose besides 'being cool', and
>that is up to debate.
>I don't like the menu structure, I'd love to see it more geared towards
>fast access. I'd like more categories in a flatter hierarchy.
>After using ubuntu studio since it's there I'd really like to have an
>official abbreviation, a two-or-so letter acronym.
>Writing Ubuntu Studio as a whole all the time sucks.
>It would be somehow nice to have Information on the applications
>available. Documentation? How's the status?
>Some other bugs I encountered and haven't reported yet:
>'Clock Preferences' -> 'Time Settings' -> 'Set System Time' just gave
>me an authentication dialogue that wasn't in the foreground and
>therefore invisible, which rendered everything unusable until one
>blindly enters the password. It didn't do anything thereafter.
>'About me' doesn't come up. 'There was an error while trying to get the
>addressbook information Evolution Data Server can't handle the protocol'
>General Rant:
>The now easy x-server configuration makes my life harder, since
>'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' doesn't include monitor options (and I
>think keyboard settings) anymore. Which means that I have to hand-edit
>xorg.conf to get a higher resolution than 1024x768.
>Also, the keyboard settings during install appear to have been stripped
>down, so I couldn't select my language-sub-layout.
>In case you're still reading that: Thank you, nice work, it's good to
>have this distro.
>Best Regards,
>	Philipp
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