choose gutsy's ubuntu studio art

Mark Stuart Burge mark at
Mon Sep 24 19:43:45 BST 2007

While we are talking about art,

The boot splash in studio's 'feisty' release was great, except for the 
blurry lights, which didn't keep with the more professional desktop 
theme.  I often have been tempted to try and go through the motions of 
editing out the lights from that boot splash and putting it back in. 
(although the task seems a little daunting to me!)

I don't wish to offend by my comments, and I wish I was able to 
contribute in a more productive way than by criticism.

Thank you for your hard work and continued efforts and for giving us a 
chance to voice our choice.

Hey, could you imagine Mr Gates asking his customers which artwork they 
would prefer ??

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