Gutsy Versions of gcc and QT

Cory K. coryisatm at
Sat Sep 22 13:49:49 BST 2007

We no longer have a separate repo. All of our Gutsy packages are in the
Ubuntu repos. There is no "
gutsy main".


Mischan Gholizadeh Toosarani wrote:
> 2007/9/22, Cory K. <coryisatm at>:
>> We are as official as Xubuntu in that all our packages are in the Ubuntu
>> repos and Canonical builds our disks. So with that said any package
>> version will be the same in Ubuntu Studio as in Ubuntu. If you need
>> something outside of that you will need to self-compile.
> sorry to be a pain, but with ubuntu i can connect to the gutsy sources
> which already hold the mentioned version numbers... also xubuntu
> reached 7.10 already
> but i can't connect to
> gutsy main
> from within ubuntustudio and i guess thats the way it should be as the
> Gutsy-Schedule
> suggests that a release will not happen any sooner than than october 18th.
> Did i understand this correctly?
> Also i obstinately added the gutsy sources from ubuntu... but that
> generated lots of errors from the update-manager... which thankfully
> didn't install anything at all.
> if the two packages (qt4-core,  gcc-4.2) weren't so lowlevel i would
> compile them myself, but i don't think i could make a clean install
> alongside the installed packages... or am i missing something?
> thanks for the patience
> Misch

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