ubuntu studio theme

Cory K. coryisatm at nc.rr.com
Fri Sep 14 18:50:51 BST 2007

Juan Eduardo Castellón wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you. I have no problems with the
> theme at all, and I love the grey fonts and the round and square-cut
> borders. In fact, I find it extremelly cool and probably my favourite
> theme of all times (and OS's). Maybe you are too used to brighter
> themes or your screen makes it look too dark (mine don't).
> However, you can change the settings (bar colors, wallpapers, etc.)
> and personalize the theme at your own personal taste. There are
> several sites on the web that have new Ubuntu Studio wallpapers, and
> even variations on themes that the users themselves show to the
> community.
> Regarding the quirks in the toolbars, I don't know if I follow you,
> because I have not seen anything that bugs me. Maybe you can be more
> specific?
If you have a launcher on the panel and look at its properties, there's
a Gnome bug there. Been there forever. Not really a bug I guess just
something Ive seen asked to be changed for a long time. :(
> Cheers,
> Juan Eduardo Castellon

On the whole the theme in Gutsy changes very little. The gloss is gone
and there's a little more color in GDM/Wallpaper. All the packages are
in the repo if you want to see the new art.

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