Laptop DAW

Matthew Polashek matt at
Thu Sep 13 02:40:58 BST 2007


Alsa is now integrated into the Linux kernel and It is my opinion that 
it is the most reliable and widely respected.  I would suggest investing 
in an outboard audio interface of some type for quality and reliability.



P.S. I´m sending this e-mail from an ubuntustudio laptop.  (Dell 
Latitude D510)

Rafael F. Compte wrote:
> Thank you very much Dennis and Kim. I bookmarked the web pages and 
> intend to read them thoroughly.
> I actually had a hard time finding my way around a couple of weeks ago 
> with the configuration of Jack, and that is the most important part if 
> you want to actually be able to start getting something done. What 
> helped me out was a tutorial I found in Quick Tips 
> <> subsection 
> of the ubuntustudio wiki. It's basically a general life-saving 
> configuration (it helped!!), but I'm still trying to figure it out so 
> I can get the most of it. I haven't got deep enough yet.
> So, here are a couple more doubts, if it's ok with you guys. I see in 
> Linux there is more than sound architecture available. I see there is 
> ALSA, OSS, ESD... you name it... Can anybody explain the really basic 
> differences? (sometimes it's hard to understand very technical 
> explanations the first time) Which one is more convenient for sound 
> production? Any basic tips for optimal configuration? I thing 
> discussing this things here could be helpful for a lot of Linux 
> newbies like me that come from a Windows background. As usual I'm all 
> ears...
> One more thing. Has anybody tried Canorus? Looks good from what I saw 
> on the web page 
> <>. 
> Being a music student (who would like to the a music teacher some day) 
> I'm interested in the analisys features.
> Rafael

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