Karoliina Salminen karoliina.t.salminen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 09:15:48 BST 2007


On 9/3/07, Eduardo Pellegrini <haftsnation at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Karoliina!
> I'll try those when I get home.
> By the way, I installed Ubuntu 32bit, but I have a Atlhon 64 3200+. Does the
> 64bit Ubuntu Studio work fine?

I haven't dared to try that yet, because I have not been sure if I can
get some apps I really need working on it (like the X-plane flight
simulator which is delivered as 32 bit binary only). I'lll try that
someday, but I don't want to break the system right now when it
finally works...

Best Regards,

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