mic help please

Robert Persson ireneshusband at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 21:43:44 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

brendon wrote:
> he all is this mic in the list below any good to start off with before
> getting a good one.
> http://www.trademe.co.nz/Music-instruments/Pro-Audio-DJ-Equipment/Microphones/auction-120833537.htm
I recently bought a Nady SP-5 new on ebay from a music shop in the US
somewhere. I haven't been able to use it yet because I mistakenly
bought a cable with a male XLR connector instead of a female one and
the connector hasn't arrived from Hong Kong yet.

As I'm pretty ignorant about this stuff I searched for user reviews on
the web. What the reviews seemed to be saying was that this mic wasn't
too far behind the SM58 in performance. Of course it's hard to
distinguish genuine reviews from dishonest marketing, so I'd be
interested to know whether those with more experience reckon I've
actually got a mic with the performance I think I've got. I'd also be
interested to know whether people think that it is a reasonable
starter mic for a baritone to record demos.

Anyway, if it turns out that it _is_ a reasonable mic then you can
probably get one from the same place in California that I got mine. I
paid about US$10 plus airmail, which is probably around NZ$0.75 or
something right now.

- --
Robert Persson
ireneshusband at gmail.com

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