K3b is unusable

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Thu Oct 4 02:55:37 BST 2007

On Wednesday 03 October 2007, yves laisné wrote:
> did you install Kubuntu  or UbuntuStudio first ?

It was a clean install of Ubuntu Studio from the DVD, and then I 
installed "kubuntu-desktop" and "kde" on it, plus various other things along 
the way, as needed.  I have a couple of things I built from source, but 
nothing that would explain this.

If this truly is an issue for a number of people, perhaps it's worth noting 
that my burner is an external USB model, an HP dvd840.  Everything just seems 
to work as I would expect, so far.  I'm not sure if I've burned a DVD with 
this setup, but I burned a CD within the last week or so.

I do actually have 48 updated packages available that I haven't installed yet, 
D. Michael McIntyre 

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