no sound with ardour

Gert Michaux gert.michaux at
Wed Oct 3 08:00:16 BST 2007

Hi Brendon,

I'm still learning my way around ubuntu Studio and  Linux audio software 
in general, so don't expect me to be allknowing.
But, I found a nice tutorial on using ardour (and some helpfull others 
about jack and hydrogen) at   Just use the 
tags on the left to view all the articles for ardour.

I hope this helps!



brendon schreef:
> hi all i have launched ardour, and used my computer mic just to try some
> voice to see how things go, but it doesn't seem to be recording any help
> please?

"Don't you wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work."

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